Wednesday, May 13, 2020


Maybe I've already talked about this but at the camp I worked at I'm pretty sure I had a hundred dollar bill stolen out of my wallet. And, that was upsetting. But I didn't say anything because I didn't really think there was much that could be done.

But the next week or very shortly after I got an offer to be an art teacher! Which was great. And obviously way more valuable than a hundred dollar bill.

And today I was getting pretty anxious because I'm missing a W2 form and I was worrying that someone might have taken it and now they have my social security number and info about me or something.

But I also heard back today about another job I was looking into. So that was really good and an exciting opportunity. 

And I was reminding myself that connections to people are way more valuable than things that can be stolen. And if you have good relationships, those will provide way more than the kinds of things that people take in a fit of goblin behavior. Maybe this isn't true but I'd like to think that a function of stealing is having trouble building authentic, trusting relationships. It's probably both a symptom and a cause.

I want to keep relationships in the front of my mind and not get bogged down in this weird transaction system that we've arranged so that people can coexist in complete anonymity from one another. It's kooky, man.

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