Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Julie Reads This Blog Sometimes I Think

Happy Birthday Julie! You have been a really good friend to me for like, 6 years now! Which is crazy to think about. I hope you're enjoying this day. I ran a really hard run and then I was loopy afterwards. So, a good sign I guess.

Guide to Andy's Omens And What They Mean

Andy runs really hard and is really tired after: a positive sign. fortune smiles upon this day.

Andy heats up coffee in the microwave and then forgets about it: troubling. better watch out. mischief is afoot.

Andy thinks "oh I wish I had coffee." checks the coffee pot and sees there's no more coffee. looks for his mug and can't find it. remembers he heated up that coffee and left in the microwave: ALL IS REDEEMED. The land giveth and the land taketh away BUT THEN the land doth giveth-backsies

Andy flosses: diligence is high. prepare to be excellent.

Andy eats oatmeal: this happens literally every day. it signifies nothing.

Andy sees a bird that he likes: uh oh. the world is smiling.

Yeah that's pretty much all of them.

1 comment:

Jublee said...

Thanks Andy!