Sunday, March 22, 2020

tough workout. GOBLINS!

I went to the EMU track today and did a really good warm up and my legs were feeling surprisingly good.

The first set was a 200 then 3 min rest, 300 then 3:30 rest, 400 and 5 minutes rest.

200- 30. felt good. 300- 47. still felt good. 400- 66 felt pretty solid. it was windy.

and then I just didn't recover after the 400. I took 5 minutes standing rest and I knew I was more tired than I should be. The goal with this kind of workout is to hurt a lot and run fast. I felt like I couldn't run hard enough to hurt. There wasn't any drive and if I pushed it felt like I was running into the ground.

Second set

200- 32. 3 min rest. 300- 50. 3 min rest. 400- 73 (although I'm calling it a 72 because with 5 meters left, a woman ran across the track chasing after her dog and I had to come to almost a complete stop to avoid stepping on a corgi).

If I was in the shape I would like to be in, and the shape I think I should be in, I should've been able to run that second set faster than the first one. I'm not too discouraged though. It was a bit cold and windy to be trying to run fast 400s. And maybe my body is catching up after the increase in volume. I think if I were to try this workout in two weeks or a week and a half on a warmer day, it would go much better across the board.

Tomorrow is just a regular run and I'll be seeing if my legs feel up for a workout the next day.


Anyway, I have a basic structure for my game set up but I don't have anyone to test it out on. Really I would want the kids I teach to try it because it was made with them in mind. But I won't be able to see them for...who knows how long. So I've decided to adapt the game into a comic and then I want to create short videos of those comics.



-DIRTBAG. "disappointing things come in disappointing packages"

-JAMBOREEF- "not even close"

-BUCKLES- "thinks he's trying his best. but he is not."

-FLEM- "the worm that is caught by the early bird."

- Dirtbag: alright, you guys. the boss says we need to go in this dungeon and get all the treasure and bring it back to him.

-Dirtbag: I'm not gonna lie to you. at least a few of you are not going to survive this thing. this dungeon is full of traps and monsters.

Jamboreef: But, Dirtbag, are we not ourselves traps and monsters?

Dirtbag: What? No. We're goblins. The only trap you are is the trap of anyone believing that you'll ever do anything right.

Jamboreef: aren't goblins technically a kind of--

Dirtbag: Hush up, geekwater. The only chance we have is to be clever and think two steps ahead. Now, this floor is really easy. It's just a straight hallway and then we drop down to the next floor.

-the group walks past some graffiti on the wall that says, "GOBLINS R DUM"

-Buckles: hey, dirtbag! what's this say on the wall.

-Dirtbag thinks for a moment. Intelligence check: 6 is next to his head.

-Dirtbag: it's obvious what it says! it says quit wasting my time and keep walking!

-Buckles: oh. How'd you learn to read so good?

-Dirtbag: by not asking silly questions, that's how.

we see more graffiti that says, "BEWARE THE COLOR RED!"


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