Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Catching up

I had a great run yesterday. It was just a regular run but I felt good enough to want to run fast. That's always a good sign and usually means I'm recovering properly and fitness is headed in the right direction. So that was very exciting.

I've been drawing for hours since yesterday. Like, that's all I do when I'm not running. Which I don't mind at all. I did about 5 or 6 drawings yesterday and I could tell with each one I was getting better and getting back into it. So I'm really happy with what I've been making.

I did the 10x 1k workout today. It went okay. I psyched myself out and didn't look at my watch because I wanted to focus on the feeling. I thought if I looked at the watch and it wasn't going well that I would want to bail. What I take away from it was that

1) I was actually feeling really good and could've pushed myself harder

2) I still got in a very good effort

3) if I try this workout again, I will check my watch and not be afraid of utterly failing.

the splits were 3:18, 3:20. 3:22, 3:22, 3:25. long rest. 3:17, 3:23, 3:27, 3:18, 3:27.

so, understandably, since I wasn't looking at the watch, I didn't push as hard and the splits crept up over time. but that's okay. It's really a negligible difference between what I ran and hitting the exact splits that I intended. And I did a trick (not looking at the watch) that got me going. So I think it's fine.

Having said all that, I know workouts go better when I run with other people. So I'm going to reach out and try to do that more often. I know a guy in Harrisonburg and also a guy in Staunton who would be great to run with.

Tonight I'm going to draw more and tomorrow I'm going to draw more. And once I get 10 drawings I'm going to post them on Instagram. And then I'll be like, hahaha, I'm so clever. Or something.

the drawings are all about needing to protect ourselves from exposure and all of our interaction being mediated by technology.

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