Sunday, March 15, 2020

coronavirus closed schools

I've felt so much better on my runs after really resting the past few days. Kind of made me aware of how much less rest I'm getting this year. I'm more tired and I'm doing a lot more. I guess that's good in some ways. I think sometimes I just forget how my situation has changed and think 'oh I'm getting old, I'm washed up, it's not how it used to be." And then today I was reminded of how good running can feel when I'm rested.

Anyway, I'd like to use the time off to make this game that I thought up. It's what the last post was about. I think I've already written about it on here.

today I thought a lot about different things I could do with the game and different levels and things. I also cut a lot of cardboard pieces for the walls. Tomorrow I'd like to assemble the pieces and paint them and also cut some more. I'm not exactly sure how many I'll need. I guess I want to start by just making a bunch and then seeing what I need from there. I might also have to go to my classroom to get the board and start playing around with it.

I have three walls made and I just cut the materials for about 6 more walls. I guess if I had twelve pieces ready to go by the end of tomorrow that would be pretty productive.

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