Saturday, March 21, 2020


I think I'm slowly getting into a routine. I realized on my run today that I actually have a lot of time to get in some really good training. So maybe I'll draw up a schedule or something but I think I've gotten good at planning the week in my head.

Sun- Speed work. fast 200s, 300s, and 400s. maybe just two sets of 200, 300, 400. close to all out.
Mon- volume. 80-90 minutes.
Tues- if legs are feeling good- 10x 1k. 200m jog rest. all at 3:20. that would be a really good session.
Wed- easy volume.
Thur- probably another easy day. maybe with some strides.
Fri- hills.
Sat- LONG. 2 hours.

I might push Tuesday's workout back to Wednesday if I feel like I need another day.

I want to keep working on my game. I've very slowly been making space to work on it and also reached out to Justin this evening to get some help with it. I think the big thing I want to do is start play testing it or showing it to people and getting their reactions. I think that would give me a lot of motivation but that's kinda hard to do with everyone in quarantine.

I'm getting a decent amount of drawing in. I have another very large drawing that I'm almost done with. I also have some ideas for art videos that I would like to make for my art class. Short, silly videos that feature a drawing and talk about them a little bit. That could be fun.

It feels good to write this. I think I needed to write a lot of this out and was just feeling a lot of inertia today. Tomorrow will be more productive and I'll be in more of a routine.

You find yourself in a small room. There's a trickle of water coming down from the ceiling in the corner to your left. In front of you is a locked door. There are no other entrances or exits. You notice in the corner with the water that some green mossy substance has formed on the floor, apparently being fed by the water.

-the players can try to listen to the other side of the door and they will hear deep menacing growling. they'll have to attempt to pick the lock of the door. if they take too long, they'll realize the green moss is spreading rapidly and trying to consume them. it's carnivorous! if they open the door they'll face a giant hog that will chase them around. the hog can only move in a straight line though. because hog mechanics.

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