Monday, July 1, 2019

what hurts?

I want to do a grumpy complaining post to start off July.

In no particular order:

I burned the roof of my mouth on Friday eating a microwave burrito because I was rushing to a lifeguard class. It's still really tender and I think eating is preventing it from healing. Or maybe it's getting infected I don't know. I swished some warm salt water around my mouth today. maybe that will help.

Two of my bottom teeth still hurt from some fillings I got back in April. I went back in May and they adjusted them a little bit but I still notice them. I should probably call and schedule an appointment to have them adjusted again but I don't feel like I have any time to go to the dentist and I'm going back in a month anyway.

My achilles and plantar fascia have been sore for a while now. But I think I'm starting to figure that out.

Didn't notice any foot pain today during my run but that's probably because I bashed my toe open on a rock.

It's all very minor stuff. It just kinda hurts to eat and move. But it could be worse. And it'll get better soon-eventually.

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