Wednesday, July 31, 2019

today i was doing tie dye

and we ran out of rubber bands to tie the shirts up so I went in the lifeguard shack to look for more rubber bands but instead of rubber bands I found an old rotary telephone not connected to anything so I walk out of the shack with the telephone and I say

"I'm gonna call the president of rubber bands on the phone and one of you will have to ask him for rubber bands"

so I start mashing buttons on the phone for as long as possible and tell the kids that it's a really long number and then I answer the phone and act like someone is talking and then held the receiver up to the face of one of the kids and said "ask for rubber bands"

and they said "can we have rubber bands?"

and then I slammed the phone down and said "No! You didn't say please!"

and redialed the number and kept letting more kids try to ask the president of rubber bands for rubber bands to distract from the fact that we couldn't do tie dye anymore

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