Wednesday, June 26, 2019

another other joke

this guy is burn with a rare mutation that causes his skin to be on fire all the time, constantly. his parents notice when he's like 3 years old that his fingertips are abnormally hot. And over the course of a few months, his fingers and then eventually his hands are just on fire all the dang time. it doesn't cause the boy any pain and doesn't seem to do any damage to his skin. so the only thing the parents can think of is covering his hands in flame retardant oven mitts and then preventing oxygen from reaching his skin. Years go by and the condition keeps spreading and by the time the boy his 15 years old he basically spends his whole life in a space suit type contraption that prevents all exposure to the outside world. well, the upside is that he's a medical marvel and he allows himself to be studied by scientists and does a big media tour and makes enough money so that by 25 he can buy his own island and move away from his society forever and just pay people to deal with him and not ask questions.

now by this point he lets himself by exposed and wears whatever he wants, custom clothing that won't melt or ignite, and everyone accepts it. one day he decides to go golfing and his caddie meets him at the first tee and notices something peculiar. he asks the man, "sir, why are you wearing two pairs of pants?"

"In case I get a hole in one."

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