Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Plan to Make My Foot Better

Today is the day I woke up and decided I don't want my left foot to be all jacked up anymore.

I need to focus on doing heel drops and calf raises to fix my achilles and the plantar fasciitis. I need to dial back my running and not be doing workouts or upping my mileage if I start the run in pain. I've been doing some barefoot running around the neighborhood and that has felt really good. I think I'll slowly progress that as well. I need to be hydrated and sleeping more. Yeah!

And then I was also researching how to get rid of toe nail fungus and I think I'm going to try to dissolve my toe nails in August with Urea 40% gel and then put antifungal cream on it. Apparently urea will dissolve a nail in like a week if you keep it wrapped and dry. And then once the nail is gone it's easier to treat the fungus underneath. So that could be fun.

Yes! I. will. be. better.

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