Monday, July 1, 2019

another other joke

A bear is walking through the woods and he comes across a rabbit. The rabbit is very nervous.

The bear says, "Hello, Rabbit."

The rabbit replies "H-Hello, Bear. How are you today?"

The bear says, "Oh I'm fine. Just roaming around looking at things and eating things and rolling in things and doing typical bear activities. It's not too unbearable."

The bear looks at the rabbit expectantly.

The rabbit realizes the bear has just made a joke and says, "Haha! Ha! Very funny, Bear."

The bear smiles, "And how are you, rabbit?"

The rabbit says, "Oh I'm fine. I just alternate between standing completely still and running for my life at all times of the day. I might go find a field of flowers later and sit in and be adorable."

The bear says, "That sounds nice."

The rabbit visibly relaxes for the first time in the conversation.

The bear says, "Say, Rabbit? Do you ever have a problem with poop sticking to your fur?"

The rabbit says, "No, not really.

So the bear picks up the rabbit and wipes with him.

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