Monday, July 8, 2019

today I asked

today I asked a group of middle school boys to make an art project, make something nice, make something aesthetically pleasing to look at, out of objects found in nature. I wanted them to make a nice little arrangement out of leaves and sticks and rocks and things.

and within 5 minutes--not even that long probably---they had taken two long sticks and laid them out on the ground in the shape of a cross and one of the boys laid down on the sticks as if he'd be crucified and another boy stood on top of him and performed a maneuver known as "teabagging", essentially squatting over the boy and then standing up repeatedly.

my thought was, "well, I mean, it really does seem like this is your religion at this point in your life. this does kind of sum up what you're all about right now."

nothing is sacred

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