Thursday, July 4, 2019

professional van driver

today I was driving a van full of six year olds from the overnight campsite to the regular camp and we start driving and one of them from the back says, "where are we going?"

And I yell "to get ICE CREAM!"

And they all yelled "YAYYY!!!!"

And they started chanting ice cream and saying all their favorite flavors and the counselor next to me is looking at me like 'what are you saying?'

So what I did was, on the way back to camp we pass zero ice cream stands but we do go past the elementary school I work at during the school year and I took the van into the empty parking lot of this elementary school. We park in front of this empty trailer where they have music classes.

I said, "Alright, that's the ice cream stand. Somebody get out and go knock on the door and yell 'we want ice cream!'

And all of the kids kind of know that none of this is real and one kid in the back is like "HEY! This isn't an ice cream store! This is my school! I go to school here and I know YOU work here at afterschool."

And I said, "no, no. That building over there is the school building. This building is the ice cream store."

The two little girls get out and they tentatively knock on the door and say, "we want ice cream"

obviously no one is around because this is an elementary school on the 4th of july. but anyway then we drove back to camp.

the kids weren't like disappointed or mad at me. I think they were mostly confused. I don't know. It was a bizarre experience all around.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This made me lol