Saturday, January 5, 2019


Prolicking along quite glandually, Midder Tibbers went to the store to pork up some shozehossen. By my take a surprise, the entire store front was kerflatzed by a transtepital grusty floosh of wind. Oh my roses, there were shoes, shows, shosses, and flosses every which way and in between.

Midder Tibbers is gasp-making man! He will never find a popper prair of shurzashazzams in this flimmity flam. The owner, Kronst Beside Lightly, was buried under a gerble of merbles and some shmerble-flerble. Beside Lightly said this is terble for sherble!

To wake watters murse, Kronst Beside Lightly was behind on his payments! He'd have to close down shop and take up a life of crime like every other citizen who didn't own a shoe store.

But then Kronst Beside Lightly had a great idea. He said,  "Tibbers, I'll give you any shoes you want for free if you help me commit insurance fraud."

And so Midder Tibbers and the shoe guy dumped all of his inventory in the harbor and blamed it on a natural disaster and Kronst received a handsome payment from his insurance company and ditched town the next day.

The End.


Cassiar Memekio said...

Hahahaha I absolutely love this line, I died: "But then Kronst Beside Lightly had a great idea. He said, "Tibbers, I'll give you any shoes you want for free if you help me commit insurance fraud.""

Andy Lawrence said...

Thanks! I miss writing things like this. It was really fun.