Thursday, January 3, 2019

Work Today

The kids were in relatively high spirits today. I think they were excited to see their friends and I can definitely see improvement in the kids who had a harder time at the start of the year.

I let the kids go down into "the woods" today by the soccer field and they pulled up some dead trees and branches. I think it's one of the coolest places for kids to play. They find cool stuff. They work together to move big sticks. You can just see their imaginations start to go crazy. They came up with plans for a fort and started collecting building materials.

One girl had a stick she called her katana and I left her bring it inside and we shaved off the bark with scissors and then she water colored it with a friend and wrapped some yarn around the end for a grip.

Most of the boys played football outside and then played on their laptops inside.

I also have some helpers that I get to do cleaning and tidying tasks in exchange for starbursts. One of them said "let's pay,  get andy to give us starbursts"

At the end of the day we went to the gym and i played some basketball and helped kids set up their mat forts they build and get things out of the gym closets. At the end of the day these 6 kids had made this sprawling labyrinth of mats and they got a 1st grader to go through it, haunted house style.

Really good day. I have great kids and work at a great school.

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