Saturday, January 26, 2019

Happy 3/4 Birthday

I've been 27 for 9 months today.

It's the kind of age where whenever anyone asks me how old I am I need to think about it. Most of the time I'll initially think that I might be 28. I rarely think that I'm 26. But mostly it's a blank.

27 has been a good age. I guess. I remember 26 being hard. I worked harder when I was 26. I worked about 50+ hours per week. I was injured for most of 26. I was alone a lot when I was 26.

27 I haven't been injured at all really. I work 20 hours per week and spend most of the rest of the time being productive in ways I enjoy. I have roommates now which is good. I also have more spare time to see people and maintain friendships and things. I'm not making as much money. So that's a downside, I guess. It's always a balance. It wasn't meaningless when I was making more money and I did enjoy not having to worry about money. Now sometimes I'm more likely to get anxious thinking about money at times. If I have unexpected expenses. But the extra free time is valuable as well. That's a strain that I don't have anymore that I did have when I was 26. Keeping my head above water with working a lot.

But I was also lucky that I grew a lot from that work and it was meaningful. I'm probably not growing as much now at work because it's not as challenging an environment. So maybe when I'm 28 I'll swing back to working more and being challenged more. I imagine that pretty soon-ish I'll find a balance. I'm not too stressed about it.

I grow more facial hair now. I also still get acne breakouts. I don't have any grey hairs and I don't think I'm losing hair at all. I feel less fragile than when I was 26. I really went through a bad patch of injury and feeling old from running. So I'm glad that I'm back to feeling stronger and more durable.

For a long time I've been thinking about investing money. I do have some savings that could be used for a big purchase or a rainy day or investing. I guess I'm not really sure how to go about doing it. It all seems kinda fraught and stressful and I imagine that at some point I'll cross some threshold where it will make sense to invest my money. That's probably the wrong way to go about it though. I don't know. Maybe when I get some more "real adult" responsibilities it will make sense to do. But who knows how much longer I'll be able to enjoy this level of freedom? I bet I'll miss it.

And I'll have to remind myself that when I had the freedom, I would spend it worrying about what I would do when I had responsibilities. What a poltroon. What a clown. What a laughable knave. What a...what a wretch.

happy 3/4 birthday to me


2.0 said...

Only three more months until you are a perfect age.

Errrn said...

Talk to Dad about opening a Roth IRA! Dad loves talking about that.