Monday, January 28, 2019


There's a kid at after school in 4th grade, he cant be over 5 feet tall. Probably not even close. Like 4' 9" and we played some serious 1 on 1 today. And obviously I'm not good at basketball and have a full foot on this kid but he is seriously good. Amazing dribbling. Incredibly accurate. Lightning fast. I knew this kid when he was in 1st grade too and you could already tell that he was just amazingly coordinated. His body works together in a way that you rarely see. A true athlete.

So anyway he beat me but I kept it close and I just have to laugh when he gets around me and steals a rebound that there's no way he should be able to get from me. Or I'll swat his shot twice in a row and he'll get it back each time and then manuever around me for a lay up. The level of awareness in space breaks my brain. I love it. I'm thankful that I have attained the level of basketball skill to be competitive with a super talented 4th grader.

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