Monday, January 14, 2019

A Line From Dazed and Confused

There's a line in Dazed and Confused when the kids are at the party at the moon tower and the red haired girl who hangs out with the "nerds" for most of the movie is talking about the every-other-decade theory. And she says the 60s were great, the 70s obviously suck, and maybe the 80s will be radical.

And I never agreed with the line because based on the portrayal of the characters and the soundtrack, the 70s seemed great. And I never thought the 80s seemed as appealing.

But anyway, the line makes a little more sense now. Like, just from my perspective,  what I choose to see on a daily basis, my life is pretty great. And there's all kinds of exciting new music and media that would make for a flashy and compelling movie sequence. But yeah, at the same time, this era kinda sucks. It's dysfunctional in a lot of ways. And connections are constantly being drawn between Trump and Nixon.

Red, I get it now.

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