Monday, January 7, 2019

I signed up for races.

On 1/20 I'm running the Frostbite 15k in Richmond. I ran it in 2017 and set PRs in the 8k and 10k. The weather, despite the name, was very pleasant. No telling what it could be like this year but if conditions are good I'd like to go under 50 minutes. In 2017 I ran it in 50:28 with some pretty uneven splits. This year I'll try to stay more consistently around 5:20 miles.

On 2/16 I'm running the Colonial Half Marathon in Williamsburg. In 2017 I ran it in 71:35, also in perfect conditions. Based on how the 15k goes I'll be shooting for under 71 or 70 minutes.

If you compare Fall 2016 and Fall 2018, I did fairly similar training and ran comparable end of season times: 2016- 20:31 4 mile vs 2018 25:40 8k. I'm just finishing up 7 weeks of high mileage running that I based off the running I did in winter 2016/17. Overall I did MORE volume this time and felt equally good.

The big surprise of early 2017 was how well I was able to race off this training and so my hope is that I'll be able to get similar results this time and also be a little savvier and not surprised as much by the times which I think initially freaked me out and caused me to do not smart things in races.

Then the big goal of course is the 10 miler. I ran the course today and practiced doing some 10 minute sections at a faster pace. It's definitely a challenging course so I'm going to make knowing it well one of my advantages.

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