Monday, January 7, 2019


lately I think the funniest thing to do is have an oversized laugh or celebration at something pretty small or innocuous, like something just slightly of note. Not in a mean or sarcastic way. Not like a bitter laughter or clapping. But a genuine reaction that is bigger than what is called for.

Anyway, today I had the kids gathered around Elmer the Elm Tree and I was trying to get their attention and a kid says to another kid, "Yeah, well, today's not Tuesday."

And I looked at him and my eyes got big and I started clapping and getting everyone excited and then I started chanting "Today's not Tuesday! Today's not Tuesday!"

And some kids joined in and we're all yelling and then we stormed down the hill to the playground.

It wasn't super funny but it was fun.

And then later me and two other kids tried running around the track with a big metal bar over our heads. It made my shoulders quite sore. I ran 10 min mile pace for a quarter mile and had to walk several times.

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