Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Tryna Make Stuff

I have to caption like 60 images for a game. And then also make 120 more images and then caption those. But the idea is that the titles would be an action that you would do in an RPG style game like Dungeons and Dragons. Or just whatever.

slaying the hydra

or something like that. But also I have a compulsion to post things on a daily basis so this long term project can be fueled by these daily posts. And I'll just spitball some ideas and you can vote in the comments or suggest your own.

-making the fighter do all the work

-training the pupil

-fighting some dumb monster

-attacking the chuckle-headed beast

-fighting an underwhelming boss

Y'know stuff like that.

running is going good. shout out to 2.0. Hope his foot recovers soon. He's the best post-college bike pacer I've ever had.


Cassiar Memekio said...

Haha my favorites are "making the fighter do all the work" and "attacking the chuckle-headed beast". I'm not sure which one I would pick

Cassiar Memekio said...

The background in this is really cool