Tuesday, September 4, 2018

free write: choose 'em challenge

I had this idea of a game to try at after school. It's like an old school, text-based adventure game mixed with DnD storytelling.

I looked up how to make non-linear powerpoints so that if a person is presented with a screen full of options, they can choose an option and the slideshow will immediately go to that corresponding slide instead of the next slide in the order.

So the idea is that the kids will create a character, either a fighter, wizard, or rogue, and then they have 9 different encounters to choose from.

Imagine a 3x3 grid, each labeled with a vague idea of what the encounter will be. They'll choose one and then that will take them to the choose 'em screen where they'll be presented with info about what they've encountered and they'll choose from 3 options to resolve the encounter. Each option is geared towards a respective hero's class. So like fighters will have an advantage if they choose a combat option or a brute force option. Wizards will have advantage with magic and studying or observing. Rogues will have advantage with collecting things or laying traps or using items.

They choose their option and then depending on what their class is and what they choose, they'll go to a screen describing what they do and how their success is determined.

So, for example, let's say you choose the encounter LOOK FOR FOOD.

Then you would go to the choose 'em screen for YOU ENCOUNTER BLUEBERRY PIE.

Your character is a wizard.

Your options for blueberry pie are DEVOUR, STUDY, POISON. or something like that.

Devour would be the fighter. Just mindlessly eating food. Study would be the wizard, trying to figure out the recipe and maybe enchant the pie or check for any curses or poison. And poison would be the rogue option, turning the pie into a weapon.

If you choose study, as a wizard, then you would get advantage and go to a screen that says:

You use your carefully honed powers of observation and quickly ascertain the key ingredients of the pie. You also attempt to detect if there is anything unusual about the pie or how it was made.

Roll d20 x 3, if 1 or more is +10, you succeed!

If not, bad stuff.

And so you would roll a 20 sided dice three times and if you can get just one of those rolls to be above a 10 then you would succeed and you would gain the ability to make a great pie and you would also realize that this pie is loaded with laxatives.

That's like a basic explanation. I'm hoping to have my first version, about the rainforest, finished by the end of the week and then I'll throw a link up here for people to check out.

I think the kids might like it and then I can also sneak in facts and stuff to make it relevant to our unit theme at after school. Mildly educational/trivia pieces.


Cassiar Memekio said...

This is a really really cool idea

Cassiar Memekio said...

I remember trying to make a non-linear type of powerpoint years ago for something, I can't remember if I succeeded getting it to work or not

Cassiar Memekio said...

Choose-your-own-adventure type things are so cool, this is perfect

2.0 said...

In high school I took a class that basically just taught the Microsoft Office suite. During the powerpoint unit we had to make a non-linear slideshow. I had the exact same instinct as you and made a choose your own adventure thing.