Tuesday, September 18, 2018

a diagram

the kids said they wanted to make a game that simulates them escaping from after school. this is a plot diagram I guess.

At each event they need to make a roll of the dice to see if they succeed in doing that thing. They have three stats: physical (PHYS), mental (MNTL) and sneak. If they mess up more 5 times then they are stuck at after school until they get picked up. I'll use actual pictures from the school. Should be pretty easy to put together.

Tonight I expanded the monster dungeon one. It has 20 creatures now and I changed around how the stats work and things.

I still want to finish the Cave of Doom and also do an adventure based on At the Mountains of Madness and one based on going through the digestive tract and a nonsense-absurd surrealism one. 

Then at some point I'll make the card game I've been trying to make. eventually.

1 comment:

Cassiar Memekio said...

Haha this is an amazing game!