Thursday, September 13, 2018


Last Week- 660 minutes! Hooray! I met the ambitious arbitrary number. Great success.

Last Wednesday: It was extremely hot. I was sweating everywhere only halfway into the warm-up. The workout went well though. I ran 3 x 10 minute segments around a ~2 mile neighborhood loop, not going the full 2 miles but 10 minutes worth and then jogging the rest as recovery. The first loop felt good and fast. The second one was faster but effortful. The third one I wanted to give up because my legs felt dead and I thought for sure I was falling off the pace. But then I didn't fall off the pace and it ended up being the fastest owing to last some second sprinting at the finish. Just like a race. So that was a great workout.

Saturday: I ran in Richmond and my friend Chris showed me some cool spots and it was a good run.

Sunday: 2 hours long run. Because it was about 30 degrees cooler and raining, I was able to do that workout that I did on Wednesday in the middle of the long run with out any rest in between. I was feeling good so I started running hard and comfortable hard in 60 degrees was the equivalent to all-out in 90 degrees, I mean. So that was cool and encouraging.

Yesterday Workout: I was supposed to drive out to Jarman's Gap to do an uphill tempo. Well, driving requirements are kinda awful and until I start waking up earlier that probably won't happen. But I did some hard running in the Reservoir Trails that felt really good. It was 7x 3 minutes running FAST/ 1 minute running easy. My legs were pooped!

All of the days I've been skipping over have been 100 minute days. They don't vary much from day to day. Pretty slow. Pretty easy. On Monday I ran with my roommate Kim. That was good. I was really tired from Sunday. Tuesday I also considered not running as much but then got into it and didn't want to stop. Overall it's still going very well. Good to be out of the heat. The train rolls on.

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