Thursday, September 27, 2018

Another Day

Haha! Safely made it through another day. I guess you aren't supposed to talk about things like being safe because that's supposed to increase your risk of danger. Like you can only be safe if you aren't actively thinking about being safe. Or rather, if you aren't constantly reminding yourself that you're safe or PROUD that you're safe, as if you've gotten away with something.

You ever look at your hands right now and think 'woah, is that what my hands look like?'. I guess you're supposed to know things like the back of your hand but I kinda surprised myself with the back of my hand just now. There's new lighting in the Annex and I think it's making my hands look old.

Woops, better not talk about having old hands or I'll jinx it and wake up with tiny smooth baby hands. Wouldn't that be terrible.

Would not that be terrible? Would it be terrible? I can't tell.

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