Sunday, September 2, 2018

To pass through the Gate of Hivid, one must be an expert at

_________________. The downfall of all great heroes.

__________________ is worth more than a hundred screaming horses.

____________________. The thing that will make you wish you never grew up.

"You have to help me. I'm in danger of ____________________"

You hear a rumor that the mayor of the town is planning on ___________________

You are arrested for the crime of ______________________

Someone in the party shows clear signs of ___________________

You encounter a large brick wall. You try________________

When you wake up, all your items have been stolen. You try________________


2.0 said...

Parallel parking perfectly on the first try

Andy Lawrence said...

That fits really well! For like most of them! Do a dex check.

2.0 said...

10 :/

Andy Lawrence said...

You bump the car behind you. Luckily there's no damage to their car.

Cassiar Memekio said...

To pass through the Gate of Hivid, one must be an expert at reverse-reverse transcription.

1. FIFA 07.
2. Sarajevo
3. Loneliness
4. voting for Nelly.
5. putting a school in your yard.
6. orphanhood.
7. having robbed a Belk.
8. to talk reason with it.
9. to join the Mafia to help you get them back.