Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Eydie Gorme The Look of Love has Fallen

I'm sitting upright on the couch in the cabin with my ankles crossed. It's 7:50 AM. I'm waking up early so I can be part of camp in the morning before I go in to work and get back at 11. I have tomorrow off. I'm tired. I'm wearing my watch on my right wrist and two bracelets from school on my left wrist. I'm wearing a piece of red string on my right ankle. A kid at work yesterday noticed the red string and asked if I was in AA. I'm still not sure what the connection was there. I can only breathe out of one nostril right now. I'm looking forward to my day off. Maybe one day off is better than multiple days off because you have enough time to rest and get perspective on how things are going but it's not so much time that you feel rusty coming back. Or you don't get used to not being at work and then it's that much more of a struggle to get back into it. Regardless, this is my life now. The title of this post is a reference to an album cover that fell off the wall overnight and is now sitting beside me. The picture is of a woman with a helmet for hair staring intently/intensely/immensely into the camera. Her knuckles are posed lightly on her cheek. She's dressed in all black. The words of her name and title are resting like a crown on her dome of hair that descends and then swoops out slightly the way a child would draw generic female hair. Sitting on the coffee table in front of me is a cow clip. I call them cow clips because Homestar Runner did once. Those paper clips that you squeeze at the wide end to open up the narrow end. And then it goes 'Moo' when you open it. It's gray out and quiet. I'm going to drink coffee soon. I hope that I don't feel this tired joining camp. I feel hungry. I didn't get that many hours of sleep but I didn't feel like I needed to. The ceiling fan is running slowly and I can see the shadows spinning on the wall. The shadows spin like the shadows of a ceiling fan would spin. In the corner by the door, one of the straps dangling from my backpack is swinging because the vent is directly below the backpack and the strap is weak and bends to any and all pressure. Never once does the strap move of its own accord or refuse any influence.

1 comment:

Funnie Paranoia said...

This makes me want to give you a hug