Monday, July 3, 2017

12:30 in Annex at 7/2

I'm sitting in the Annex with the counselors here at camp so I probably won't write very much. I'm sitting on the floor with my back against the cabinets. My ankles are crossed. Kim is about to make a nutella sandwich. There's a candle on the coffee table. It's a lot cleaner in here than the last post because counselors on their day off were bored and cleaned the Annex. There are blankets folded up underneath the coffee table. People are talking about swearing in sign language and whether or not they curse in front of their families. I don't feel extremely comfortable. A sandwich bag is being rustled. A jar of nutella is being opened. "Oh no, I'm running out!" James loves Sour Patch Kids. There are one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine people in the room including me. A bag of sour patch kids was thrown across the room. A gross video is being watched. It's a video of a pimple or cyst being popped. One time I watched a video of earwax being professionally cleaned. People are horrified but they can't look away. Kim is eating a nutella sandwich to music. It's relaxing, white-people soul 80s grocery store music. Lady in Red. Intense eye contact is being thrown around the room. There are lots of intense moments being traded. We're sharing a group experience right now. Never before has sandwich eating been elevated to a musical performance. Kim is wearing a tye-dye shirt, red basketball shorts, and Mardi Gras beads that he received in exchange for flashing. Careless Whisper is being played. Careless Whisper was the favorite song of a camper I had last year. Maddie is furiously nose laughing. We're singing the chorus as a group. The sour patch kids are hurting Maddie's teeth. I was just asked what I'm doing and lied about it. My butt is falling asleep. I turned off the timer so as not to attract attention to my creepy writing self. Meh.

1 comment:

Xrab said...

That's a really good moment frozen forever in time. You've immortalized it on the internet! No matter the course of your own life or that of humanity itself, those nine people will be eternally eating sandwiches and sour patch kids, singing along to grocery store 80's music seemingly without any care in the world.

Unless Blogger turns their servers off. But until then...!!!

Also I bet you cross your ankles literally dozens of times each day. We probably all do. Why is it so comfortable?? I wrote this whole thing with my own ankles crossed.