Thursday, July 13, 2017

Being in the Dining Hall Kitchen

I'm sitting here right now in the big armchair thinking about last night in the kitchen. There were fluorescent lights and everything was white and clean and shining. Later, walking back in the dark we couldn't see anything. Advanced Darkness. We raided the fridge and the walk-in freezer in the back and the freezer in the corner of the kitchen by dry goods but couldn't find the frozen cookie dough that had been around last year. We put googly eyes on the coffee machine and an orange cooler. You put a metric ton of chocolate syrup in the tupperware cylinders that the cool counselors would drink sweet tea out of last year. We sat on the metal bar where the trays are laid out and picked up during meals. We ate reheated baked oatmeal and berry compote. I made mint tea. One of the sinks that is difficult to turn off was leaking water ever-so-slightly. Orangutan or Orangutang. We exchanged feedback. I felt good because for a while I've wanted someone to go off and talk with and you're pretty cute, eyebrow hairs and all. The freezers were too cold to stand in for very long. I wasn't tired in that moment. I was really engaged in what was happening and you drew mountains on the back of my neck and it gave me the shivers. This is all kinda sentimental and personal and intimate and I'm not really a fan of writing it out and posting it because it always used to frustrate me in high school when girls with blogs would write stuff like this and I had no idea who they were talking about and would get upset that they wouldn't just come right out and say it and what was the point of saying all that stuff anyway when you could be writing stories about people melting or robots fighting or fantastical journeys but maybe if I'm learning anything recently it's to get more in touch with my inner high school girl and stop being so oblivious and tunnel-vision-y and notice people and what they're doing and what I'm doing and how it's making me feel or how they're feeling and that's why I tried to point out that you were biting your lower lip. Which is not something I ever notice about people except the kids I work with because reading body language and tells is important to know if a kid is anxious or going to blow up or something. Anyway, I really enjoyed talking to Kaia in the kitchen last night so, that's a bone I throw for high school me, little punk who started this blog.

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