Wednesday, July 5, 2017

10 minutes the day after 7/4

I'm in the Annex on the far couch by the wall of windows. There are three counselors in here with me. They're talking about their campers and their quirks and weirdness. It's quiet. I was asked to stop taking up all the bandwidth because I was streaming Night Moves by Bob Seger. A camper grabbed a spoon from a counselor in a semi-aggressive way today. Carson just left. I think someone else might be in the backrooms. The way the Annex--a counselor just burped and excused himself---the way the Annex is set up is like the L-Tetris block. There's a common space at the entrance and then a hallway extends off from there with three bedrooms and a bathroom at the end of the hallway. The annex is actually shaped like a rectangle but I don't consider the bedrooms part of it, I guess. Today was my day off and I kept running into people I knew or places with mildly significant encounters. We were taking the older campers on a trip and went to an art park where this woman named Lauren Hooker was leading an African style drum circle and making us hoot and trill loudly. She wrote a song called Hate Has No Home Here. We sang it. A newsman showed up with a camera and recorded us. I started hula-ing with a hula hoop as I sang the No-Hate song. None of this was planned. Then we went to this student lounge arcade thing with pool and foosball and DDR and pinball and all of it was free. Pretty dope. We ate at a Wendy's that was the first bathroom I used in Charlottesville when I went to interview for my after school job. I walked out of Despicable Me 3 and sat on a chair on the downtown mall and people-watched for about an hour. It was a good time. Despicable Me 3 was overstimulating in a way that made me feel like I wasn't fully in my head. Kinda like a dizziness or vertigo that was vaguely discomforting in a way I can't completely describe. I saw a lot of homeless people and people having power lunches as they talked business and walked laps around the downtown mall area. Last night Maddie and I found a mouse nest in the drawer under our oven. The mouse nest looked like it was made of a Santa beard and there was poop and green pee all over the baking trays and tins. I'm not really describing what's happening right now but there's not too much going on right now. Will just walked in. Another Will is pockets? I'm not sure. He took something out of the freezer and said, "There's only two in here?" and now he's trying to use the microwave. Something about describing what people are doing in writing as they are doing it reminds me of Harriet the Spy. The movie version with Rosie O'Donnell. Back when Rosie was cool.


Crab said...

Did you take your hat off for Night Moves?

Andy Lawrence said...

I'm a patriot. Of course I did.