Thursday, July 6, 2017

Alan Watts Would Say Something Like

The whole universe is sitting in this couch with me. It's something the whole universe is doing. Sitting in this couch next to Otis. With my ankles crossed on the coffee table in Cabin 11. The leaves are moving up and down gently. The sun has come out after a cloudy morning. I just showered and my skin has a clean feeling. I'm tilted slightly to my right side because I'm sitting between two couch cushions. Also pillows are propping up my left arm. When I was watching people walking yesterday there were a surprising amount of people with slight limps or favoring one side. It reminded me of how symmetry is appealing because it indicates genetic health or something. Good fidelity in them symmetric genes. It's really still right now. The aloe plant needs water. It doesn't look as vibrant and vigorous as it does when it gets a dose of Vitamin Dub. I misspelled 'vitamin' a whole bunch just now. Otis just sighed. Saying out loud or in your brain what you are doing in a specific moment is a good practice. I was thinking about that on my run. There are strips, or like narrow rectangles of sunlight coming in through the east windows and illuminating small sections of the living room. The arm chair across from me is being sliced by the sun. That beam extends up the wall towards the window. I'm breathing in through my nose and taking shallow breaths. Sometimes at home my mom used to catch me taking rapid shallow breaths for no apparent reason. It would confuse me because I wasn't aware of it. There's a good part of my day where I have absolutely no idea what my breath is doing. I guess that's okay except when it's not. There are bananas I bought yesterday in a fruit bowl next to a single tomato that has been sitting in the bowl for a while. I'd like to eat the tomato but I think it's Maddie's but maybe when she reads this she'll let me have it. In the shelves we have against the wall across from me are three monstrous creations made from cardboard. Amorphous, tentacle laden blobs that seem upset at their very existence. There's also a prayer pony. The prayer pony has its head bowed down and its beady glass eyes stare out into nothingness. I forget what its name is. Charity or Faith or Providence or Patience or something like that.


Crab said...

If you ever compile all of these into a book or something, you really should consider naming it 'With My Legs Crossed'.

I'd buy it.

sadcrab said...

dangit I messed it up.

It should be named 'With My Ankles Crossed'! My brain overrode the phrase.

I ruined it!