Monday, February 3, 2014

Pencil Cliff

Write a Piece about the Theme of Excellence

When from out of the mundane muck rises stakes so high that they lick the tender feet of the clouds, excellence is near. Picture in your mind's eye a bottomless cliff. And now, picture that above the shelf of that cliff is another cliff that is even more bottomless than the first. Then dare to imagine an even higher tier of bottomles cliff, with a bottom so bottomles that it's lost the second 's' in 'bottomless'.

Perched upon that shelf, overlooking the lowest deeps, is an enormous pencil. It is a pencil that would fit in the hand of a churlish mountain. If you stood on that pencil and looked out at the land stretching away from the pit of excellence, you would see yourself. You would catch 'you' trudging across the empty plain under the hot sun. Now you're you. You reach the giant pencil and learn to master its ways. Grasp it firmly and dive majestically from the cliff's edge. The pencil, which you ride like a cowboy, can navigate your plunge through the pit that reaches beyond time and space. It's your ride! Enjoy it! Keep track of it on the walls as you fall along them. Other people will read them and gasp at all the awesomeness you claimed with your senses and words. You have only yourself to embarrass and millions to prove wrong. Look all around. This falling is a feel you should learn, you have a lot of it to do. 

This must be some kind of description to something similar to excellence to someone somewhere.

Audience is 'the you'.

Speaker: Scrap piece of paper you find in a mailbox to a house where a dead guy lives.

1 comment:

Cassiar Memekio said...

The pencil in the picture is really cool, it's so well drawn and sharply detailed.

Haha I love the speaker to this, it's perfect.