Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Connect Fours

Mr. Wandy--Daycare Man--Connect 4 Enthusiast
Addressing his Countless Vanquished Foes.

These are the principles.

-At its highest level, Connect 4 is a deterministic game. The winner will win because they have created a situation in which victory is the only option. 

The loser will lose because they have no other choice but to accept their failure.

This is the truth at the heart of the game--you've only realized you've lost when it's too late and everything you've done up to this point has caused you to lose.

--"Pretty sneaky sis" has nothing to do with this.

--Don't be distracted by the patterns of pretty colors

--Or the satisfying clicks

--The enormous piles of money burned at the end of every game.

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