Thursday, February 6, 2014


The Guy From Samples in Songs and Stuff Presents!:

Good evening, boys and girls. Perhaps you can tell that something isn't quite normal, lately. It's hard to describe normal but we all have a sense of it when we see it. You might be going about your day and feel a creeping sensation from out of nowhere. It feels as if someone is watching you or that everything has shifted in some slight, almost imperceptible fashion. Your skin may feel as if it no longer fits your body. Has something been taken from you? Is everything the same as it was before you went to sleep? Can you remember falling asleep?

The important thing to remember is that this feeling is also normal. There are lots of kinds of normal. Part of living in this modern world is adjusting to these different kinds of normal. In fact, probably the only thing that will make you feel uncomfortable, is questioning whether something is, or is not, normal. Remember this, boys and girls, and I'm sure you'll all get along fine. Now run home and eat lots of frozen beasts and the juice of the spinning beat. Rotate. Rotate. Make minor adjustments to keep from having to move. The object is to remain standing for as long as possible.

Audience: Boys and Girls

Themes: Affirmative Messages

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