Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Making Me Nervous

Ned Ternsten speaking to a fake plant on the subject of what it means to be human.

Ever since the meteorite thing, I've been having these waking dreams. It's like I see everything I would normally see; except, there's this other reality super-imposed over it. And, I can observe it and explore as I move around doing whatever I normally do. 

Yesterday, I was in this dungeon basement bunker deal, in the dream I mean. There were no windows and the air was thick and hazy. In the middle of the room was a large wooden table. It was very tall and serious looking. All around the table were these enormous, six--no--seven foot creatures. They were man-sized roaches and their legs and feelers clicked and snapped like machinery. They were all gathered around the serious table and inspecting whatever was on it very excitedly. They didn't seem to notice my presence. Nothing ever does in the dream. I approached the table and stood up on my toes to see a clear, plastic jar about a foot tall. Inside the jar were two desperate looking men. The sight of these poor souls in the clutches of absolute crawling evil turned my bowels to stone.

One of the men, with bloodshot eyes and frantic shakes coursing through his limbs, pounded furiously against the plastic shell. He mouthed silent screams and calls for help. Somehow, I could sense that he was unaware of his captors. Beyond the jar he saw only shadowy forms shifting in the dim light. He no longer believed anyone would rescue him. He was simply mad. The other man was completely still, crouched in the corner, head down between his knees. 

The roaches clicked excitedly, their slender appendages twitched and touched all around. Some basic curiosity had been roused.

But then, I realized that this was unacceptable. Victory demands itself! Man's imagination is not bound to his circumstances. Victory demands itself!

The crouched man rose and began to summon his inner chaos to birth the burning star of his freedom! A brilliant light shot straight up from his eyebrows and penetrated the lid. The grime and filth of the room was illuminated and began to fume. Both men were growing now. They grew in size until they burst through their plastic prison and stood tall about the sturdy table. The roach monsters receded in fear. They were shrinking! The indomitable will of man had restored the natural order and great stompin' boots rained from the heavens for ten days and seven nights until the land was cleansed of all but two miserable cockroaches. These two held each other every night and never gave up hope until their hope was exhausted and they too were crushed by the weight of their own wretchedness and a large steel-toed boot.


And that's my dream and what it means to me. Thank you. 

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