Sunday, February 9, 2014

Cliffs Top

Rising cracks and veins in solid blocks of rock.

Dear Marty,

This wall stands in dead defiance of my progress. Stupid. The whole thing is a shear, dull, lumpy blank face. Shadows creep over me. I mean, I'm not turning back or climbing up or going around or leaving my body to rise above on the astral plane. I'll just sit here and describe this stupid cliff until it buckles under or I keel over. 

Should I feel small right now? Is that the idea? Is this vastness supposed to make me aware of grander scales of time and space? That's normal, right? The colors, the lights and darks shift and change. You would think the whole thing was carved from clouds and rays and the tiny march of minutes. Stupid. 

What are you, barren wall, to me? I am the teeming super organism! I am the host of millions of generations of bacteria and micro-organisms where empires and cultures rise and fall in nothing but the ridges of my gut. This surge of life, this flashing spark, feels no sympathy for the desolate chunk. Do not lower your funk, Marty. Do not try to negotiate with the mean and the dead I will climb this wall. But,...not...not because....because...there are hard facts in the world, Marty...and you can't deny that sensible person is stupid enough to be that stubborn!


Grover Stetch, Rambling Man.

Addressee: Marty Stetch, younger sister of Grover

Themes: Scales and Pride


Cassiar Memekio said...
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Cassiar Memekio said...
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Cassiar Memekio said...

The picture in this is really good, it's really cool.

I love this post and its style, with the letter, it works really well.
This line is great:
"You would think the whole thing was carved from clouds and rays and the tiny march of minutes."

And this part was really awesome, I love this idea and how you said it:
"What are you, barren wall, to me? I am the teeming super organism! I am the host of millions of generations of bacteria and micro-organisms where empires and cultures rise and fall in nothing but the ridges of my gut."

You're right, it really is millions of generations, it's so cool. And we really are super-organisms. I really love the "where empires and cultures rise and fall".

Haha I like the ramblingness of the last sentence, it works really well and the way it is sounds very real.