Thursday, January 9, 2014

This Villain is

is a traffic cone with an evil balloon outside of Morbo Mart.

James did not consider himself easily impressed. He continued tapping the edge of a quarter against the curb surrounding the island of dirt in the Morbo Mart parking lot. He did not give his attention to petty demonstrations like the sentient traffic cone standing on a pyramid of wooden crates casting nefarious glances with the help of an angry-faced balloon.

After robots stole his brain and ran it through a machine that triple-strained, stained, and repainted, all of James' experiences and memories consisted of a heightened reality. This included his memory of the robots and their machine--just to give an example of the kinds of heightened reality he was dealing with. James was aware that he was the source of occurrences like the tiny evil traffic cone yet he still found them tiring and thin. Like a cardboard cut-out of a celebrity or a cardboard three-headed monkey. They lacked depth. They seemed to rob the world of any kind of extra meaning that might be under something boring and ordinary and unnoticeable because of its painful average qualities.

Not that he could ever know. Because even if he could really let himself see something boring, it's not like he'd be able to get past the terrible numbing boredom of it. He'd have to look away--seek the interesting. It was like trying to breathe mud. Boredom impressed him. 

1 comment:

Cassiar Memekio said...

This is a really cool post, there are a lot of cool ideas in it. Haha it's layered and has mystery to it.