Thursday, January 30, 2014

Half of Three


There's evil in the world. I don't fight it. There's good in the world. I watch it. I'm not a man of justice. I'm not a man of crooked schemes. There's no piano on my rooftop and no bones beneath my shoes. Days tip over at ten miles-per-hour. I'm not a man on a throne of golden hair. I have no trident to raise the ire of the seas. I don't have a fancy job or a cutting jaw. I sleep and am sufficient most every day.

I have destroyed all of the glass jars in the city so that maybe you will love me. Yes, it was a big gesture. No, it was not well-executed. That is how I ask that you love me--largely but not finely. Speak your words with the clarity of a numbed lip. Give me broad slaps of affection like noodley sleeves. I have destroyed all of the glass jars in the city and it is unsafe to walk in many places so that you might love me. I used a hammer. It took a month and the project is ongoing. At the bottom of the Ocean is something indescribably beautiful but we'd die down there and I like the way you breathe. I'm not a man with a bomb on a train. I don't have a special trap for money or smiles. I am the man that destroyed all of the glass jars in the city in the hope that it would get your attention long enough for me to think of something else to keep your attention. Or, you could do something to get my attention because it's not like this is a one-way street or anything.

Speaker: Gipper Beanhard. Self-styled Man of the Gip. Speaking extemporaneously on a stage about various topics.

Audience: Listeners with no general preference but open to confusion

Theme: Learning new information.

1 comment:

Cassiar Memekio said...

This is transcendent, haha I really love this. There's a certain quality of this that probably makes it my favorite out of anything from this timeframe of posts.

Hahaha I love this:
"I have destroyed all of the glass jars in the city so that maybe you will love me. Yes, it was a big gesture. No, it was not well-executed."

This line is beautiful:
"At the bottom of the Ocean is something indescribably beautiful but we'd die down there and I like the way you breathe."

It's perfect that this line follows it and it keeps the rhythm going really well:
"I'm not a man with a bomb on a train."

And this line is probably my favorite, it's so good:
"I am the man that destroyed all of the glass jars in the city in the hope that it would get your attention long enough for me to think of something else to keep your attention."

It's all so good, I love it.