Thursday, January 2, 2014

Continue with the Same!

"We don't want any! You always come around here with your big new--Yeah? What'd you say to me?
What'd you say? Well, I'll stick about twenty of those and everything else that comes with the bonus offer up into your loved one's--"

"Did you leave? Are you still there? Oh, I lost you for a second. Didn't want to be talking to nobody. What's that? Oh! Isn't that just the way you kids are now? I didn't slave over a hot stove and watch my hands turn rough and gnarled just so you could come around and--what?"

"What? No! I'm not interested. No, not at this time. Thank you though. That's kind of you to make such a generous offer. I don't need your pity though! I have a giant cat that I've almost trained to do half of my bidding!...Right?...Ah...wait! Come back! Come back!"

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