Friday, January 31, 2014

Rupert Found A Thing

Speaker: Billy Bleasdale--Human Boy

Audience: His "Dear Dairy"

Rupert found something. We were walking home and he saw it in the grass by the road. He got really close to it. I didn't like it. It looked like a bad accident. When Rupert picked up a stick and poked at it, it was soft. The stuff on the outside was thin and wet. It wrinkled when the stick touched it. There was a bad smell too. I said we should tell an adult. Rupert said he figured adults think they know too much already and they should be worried about important things like making sure they are functioning well enough to bring a child into the world. I said I didn't know anything about all of that. Whatever the thing was, it might be dangerous or carrying infectious diseases. There were also lots of wires coming out of it. It was smushed. Rupert wanted to know more. What was it called? Where did it come from? Rupert picked it up and shook it and something inside of it settled and shifted. Rupert was saying something quietly to himself. He whispered the way he whispered when he told kids things he wasn't supposed to know. He told them the kinds of things we felt like we would get in trouble for thinking about. There were a few holes on the thing and sometimes the outside would shift and cover some holes and open up others. Rupert said it was heavy and the colors changed when he put his hands on it and took them off. I told Rupert it was getting dark and I had to be home for dinner. I told Rupert I didn't want to leave him out here alone. I told Rupert I was leaving. I left Rupert alone in the field with the thing.

That night, Rupert became a father. He had five children and he named them all Electric Picks. He was a loving and caring father until he died.

Themes: Failed loss of innocence

1 comment:

Cassiar Memekio said...

Hahaha the ending is hilarious:

"That night, Rupert became a father. He had five children and he named them all Electric Picks. He was a loving and caring father until he died."

I love how it's in italics. And the theme is great too, haha "Failed loss of innocence".