Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Start with the New!

A tankard of coffee.
Give thanks HARD for coffee.
Think hard WITH coffee!

I like mornings more every year.


I have coffee on my fingers and my breath. Smells are like numbers. They both organize things. Pies and gasoline smell good so we know that they are good things that help us. A one hundred is good so we know that getting one hundreds is a good thing. Leprosy does not smell good. We know then that that is a moral failure. A dozen lepers is not a good amount of lepers so we know that is also not good.

Numbers oftentimes come in pairs. Like 2 and 30. That's a pair of numbers. You can plot that on a graph and find the slope or pirate treasures. Smells also can come in pairs. Shame and hair. Those are two smells. You can plot those on a graph and find out where it becomes important to shower even though no one is around.

Spinach smells sort of good. 38 is sort of good. We're organizing. We have to categorize things. It's how we know things are important. 2014. That's a new year and a new number. That's important. When other people's problems have smells attached to them--I tend to pay a lot more attention. Given the choice between helping a person who popped too much popcorn and helping a person whose feelings accidentally got hurt by a stranger, the popcorn problem smells like it is worth my time.

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