Sunday, January 12, 2014

Sheep on Board

Great Surfing Sheep, you are what Awesome dreams of, nestled in its racing car bed. You teach us how to be excellent to each other. You teach us to brush our teeth because the minty paste puts a fresh start between our gums. You teach us to remember how blue the sky is. You teach us so much. You teach us more than we can know. You teach us that good things don't always exist as a means to an end. Sometimes they are just good and should be worked for tirelessly so that they remain good. Like a giant mouse reading a book in a tall tree. You have to scare him back up there when he tries to climb down. It's a full-time job but we need that mouse to read in that tree. We need it because it deserves to be.

1 comment:

Cassiar Memekio said...

Haha this is great, this part is so amazing:

"Sometimes they are just good and should be worked for tirelessly so that they remain good. Like a giant mouse reading a book in a tall tree. You have to scare him back up there when he tries to climb down. It's a full-time job but we need that mouse to read in that tree. We need it because it deserves to be."