Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Splattermin begins

Once there was a Splatterman. He did everything he could. He was the Splatterman ad no one else could hold the title of Splatterman while he was using it--which was all the time. His drive was supreme.

One day, the one and only true Splatterman was in need of snow because he desired to make the most beautiful snow angel ever. So the Splatterman took a giant bucket of ice cubes from his neighbor, Roger, who he did not like at all. Then, the Splatterman very carefully flushed all of the ice cubes down the toilet. He flushed them one by one and made sure to place them in the exact center of the water only after the water had completely settled. It took him two hours but that night it snowed because of the Splatterman's actions and the next day he made the most beautiful snow angel ever. It is still preserved today in a museum at the bottom of the Ocean. Everything I just said was entirely true.

Speaker: Master Chuck, the Sandwich delivery kung-fu master.

Audience: Parking Lots

Theme: The Splatterman's drive is supreme.

1 comment:

Cassiar Memekio said...

This post is really awesome.

"Then, the Splatterman very carefully flushed all of the ice cubes down the toilet. He flushed them one by one and made sure to place them in the exact center of the water only after the water had completely settled."

It's so cool how he makes it snow like that.

This is also really cool:
"and the next day he made the most beautiful snow angel ever. It is still preserved today in a museum at the bottom of the Ocean."

Hahaha I love this:
"So the Splatterman took a giant bucket of ice cubes from his neighbor, Roger, who he did not like at all."

hahaha and this:
"Everything I just said was entirely true."

and the telling of the story works perfectly with the speaker, and the audience.