Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Inner Weft

This robot is very sad. His metal casing feels too tight. Something has interrupted his standard operating mode. The tower draws the lenses of his eyes. He can process mountains of information in instant. He can absorb, organize, and utilize the data which encompasses his enormous dome of awareness. Yet, despite this, he cannot see beyond the black facade of the looming structure. The tower holds something in its depths. He should not be limited to the visible spectrum of light. His eyes can see on all frequencies. The tower conceals its secrets all the same.

Perhaps there are desires or fears locked away. Perhaps a fragment of his past must be reclaimed. Perhaps there is a destiny burning to be fulfilled.

Or perhaps this sad, brittle robot only desires to know what he cannot know. He cannot fill the void with creations of his own. The sad, googly-eyed robot takes a shaking step. He is not afraid. He is just crappy and sad. A little tin-can slugger with a brain of crusted bolts versus the world. 

1 comment:

Cassiar Memekio said...

This picture is also really good, the whirlpool hole in the sky is so cool.