Monday, February 18, 2013

There was a Bird in the Dining Hall Today

It perched by the tofu until a girl went up and shooed it away.

I was reading this play for my Greek and Roman mythology class about this woman who falls in love with her stepson but he refuses her love so she kills herself and says that the son raped her and then the father calls up the ocean to kill the stepson with a giant water bull.

And it got me thinking about how we should take the time to appreciate the roles that we can give to ourselves. Because, I think we can define that sort of thing, it frees you in a way.

You can be a student- you can be someone whose job it is to learn and have thoughts and exercise your mind and devote your time and study to something that fascinates you.

Or you can be a friend- you can be a pillar of strength in someone's life and be a positive influence and be the kind of person you want to be around someone.

Or you could be a giant bull that lives in the ocean and come out to waste people who have crossed the line.

But you can't take those roles for granted. Try them out. Consider them. If it's what you want then always be exploring the limits of that role.

Butterflies that vomit snowflakes and robots that dance with shower curtains. Your life is important and starts by identifying what makes you, you.

Eat a basketball and type a letter to the President of Botswana. Casserole baking and liberal arts.


Cassiar Memekio said...

Yeah this is really good, I definitely agree that we can expand our potential and really do more than we think we can, by thinking about our role and place in life. We can define our role and it's good to explore the limits and not be held back. A lot of times we limit ourselves by not really thinking about the place we have and how we can make more of it. We think there are more limits than there actually are and by unconsciously accepting that we don't push the limits and make more.

This got me thinking a lot, I love this line, haha: "Eat a basketball and type a letter to the President of Botswana. Casserole baking and liberal arts."

Mary said...

It was probably a turkey checking out its competition.