Thursday, February 14, 2013


New Record! If you beat that, then I'll beat your record. And then it will be definitively over forever. I win!

Over break I found this creepy face in my sister's door. A door she's had since...always. Now she's afraid of her room. hahahaha

Someone got mad and ripped this toenail off their toe. Bet they feel pretty silly now. You can't just tape it back on!


I took a folded up napkin and put two ham cubes on it. I call him Roosevelt. (pronounced ROOSE-VELT)

the last name is a funny name and the bottom word looks like bad text slang and gibberish.

Another unicorn whiteboard. I made another one for Second City but forgot to take a picture or my phone was dead or something.

hehehe....friendly vandalism!

1 comment:

Cassiar Memekio said...

Hahaha I love the face in the door, that is actually pretty scary.

And Amy Kracker Selzer cannot be a real name, haha that's an insane board