Friday, February 8, 2013

Fushes in the Grass

These guys are called Fushes. One Fush. Two Fush. Red Fush? Oh, hush.

They live in the grasses of Andalusia and New Kitty Hawk, Westylvania.

Look at 'em. Aren't they cute? They carry a whole host of diseases that affect plants, animals, and even inanimate objects. Have you ever pulled a shirt out of your drawer and been like, "Why does this smell like Chinese-Food Pizza?!" That's cuz of Fushes.

But they're pretty friendly regardless. They're very social...hmmm,

There's a lot going on in this image of them so I don't know if you can see it...but...wait...I'll get a close up.

That should do it.

One Fush is giving the other Fush a prison tattoo that says "I Love Momma and Grease Fires"

Some of the Fush rituals may some strange to our human eyes, but to the Fushes' ultra-sensitive eyes, the whole world is a giant flaming ball of chaos and reflected light.

So, the next time you see a Fush...just keep on moving. There's nothing you can offer them. They don't need you! Unless you wanna get jumped in? Huh? Buddy?

You looking for trouble? You wanna be a part of something bigger than yourself? How much are you willing to give? 150? 300%? This isn't Bingo at the Senior Center. This is Bingo in the Dark Ages. One wrong move and I pull a broad sword that will slice your neck clear through in about 7 to 10 hacks. We're Fushes! We roll fast and out of control! The adorableness is in positive correlation to our ruthlessness and inability to take guff, crap, or nonsense from anyone. As one increases, so do the others in equal amounts!

1 comment:

Cassiar Memekio said...

Hahaha this is unparalleled excellence.

"There's a lot going on in this image of them so I don't know if you can see it...but...wait...I'll get a close up.

That should do it.

One Fush is giving the other Fush a prison tattoo that says "I Love Momma and Grease Fires""

Haha when I was reading at the beginning I was completely taken aback when it said "They carry a whole host of diseases that affect plants, animals, and even inanimate objects." I love the cheerful informativeness of that and how suddenly it changes from before.