Sunday, February 3, 2013

and Sharm!

Napkin Rapkin Tapkin Flapkin

A Brief Myth of Creation-

In the beginning there was only slime. There was only a great green ooze that spread across the void, consuming the nothing with effortless expansion and flow. And from this massive boiling rolling wave of ever-changing steaming stew, seething with energy, came a procession of strange beasts. Weird creatures were enveloped in a cloud of acrid mist and marching forth from the viscous muck to lay claim to the land of the sun. These shifted shapes and slopping structures may take hold with roots springing from their loopy limbs, they may grow towards the light. Or they may shrivel and sizzle, lost and unequipped for this world in this time.

But one thing is for certain, the crashing tide will never be without the monsters wrought from the perilous deeps of the sea of slime.


Cassiar Memekio said...

But this sharm creature, or napkin rapkin tapkin flapkin, whichever one is his name, though he may be lost and unequipped for this world in this time, may be a hero in his own slime world, in his own time

Andy Lawrence said...

Haha, I guess his name would be Sharm. Napkin rapkin tapkin flapkin is just nonsense. But really, it's all nonsense.

I like that reading of it. It completely makes sense and I agree but in my head I'd imagined it a little differently.

I think you're right that the important thing is the individual's perception. Or that, nothing is really fit or unfit. it's just a matter of context. And we can set that context.

My thinking was that it doesn't matter if something succeeds or fails. An idea, a creation, a person--whatever.(and I think your comment shows that's a totally subjective matter.) The importance is on the creation itself--and its continuation. That's the power we have over the outer world and our perception is the power we have over our own world.

And they both kind of feed into each other and you could call that "living", I guess.

Thanks for your comments!