Saturday, February 2, 2013


You should desire only to be free.

Last Monday I did some deep-breathing exercises and it got me really energized so I was standing around in my empty apartment, gyratin' and shimmying and doing all kinds of wacka-doo.

Then I went for a run and yelled, "I'm in a manic state and need to burn off my energy with cardio-vascular exercise!" But my chest started hurting real bad so I yelled, "Excellence begets excellence! I'm gonna have a heart attack." But I think what had really happened was that I had pulled a shimmying muscle.

Then later in the week I got a whole bunch of dry-erase markers and drew unicorns on a giant whiteboard in the middle of the Student Center.

Then at my job I followed a kid around at the before-school program I work at and sang in a deep voice, "It's the story of Kilbor"

Then on Friday, in thirty-degree weather I stripped down to my shorts and a t-shirt, yelled, "You are all witness!" and ran a really hard mile and hurt my lungs from the cold.

Today I ran for 2 hours, fell in some mud, yelled at cars that didn't sufficiently pull over, and thought about how life doesn't feel like I'm on the edge of a cliff anymore.

I feel like a snowflake, caught in the sudden drafts of a storm cloud, flying to and fro at incredible speeds. And from a distance, I'm an invisible speck in a blanket of calm grey.

You're only chance at happiness is to be like the ping-pong ball. Complete, sturdy, and able to reflect and fly with the energies of the universe.

...came up with that while sitting on the toilet.


Mary said...

This was really nice.

Cassiar Memekio said...

Haha this is awesome, not the hurting the lungs cold part but all of it:

"Then at my job I followed a kid around at the before-school program I work at and sang in a deep voice, "It's the story of Kilbor"

Then on Friday, in thirty-degree weather I stripped down to my shorts and a t-shirt, yelled, "You are all witness!" and ran a really hard mile and hurt my lungs from the cold."

Also, this is a really good line, is this from somewhere? It sounds like, one of those powerful famous quotes. But then I looked it up and your blog is the only match in the universe!:

"You should desire only to be free."

Andy Lawrence said...

Thanks! and thanks!

I can't take credit for the quote. You were right about it being from something. It's from the Enchiridion which I posted a link to in an older post.

It's an altered form of this line,

"But, for your part, don't wish to be a general, or a senator, or a consul, but to be free; and the only way to this is a contempt of things not in our own control. "