Sunday, September 16, 2012

Weekend Happened

Look at that beauty of bike! HUH?! That's the bike I purchased at a police sale for 40$. I only had to wake up at 5:45 and scare away a tiny asian girl to make it my own. It's a Free Spirit! I have the women's version. It's from the 70s and originally sold at Sears Roebuck. It has no back brake, a shaky front brake, a leak in the front tire, makes a multitude of squeaky whiny sounds, and together we have MORE HEART THAN YOU CAN SHAKE A DEAD CAT AT! Me and little free spirit are going to take on the world! We're gonna go to the grocery store. We're gonna go to Target. We might even go all the way to a body of water of some kind! And spend the day eating grapes on the beach and kicking sand at all the little kid's bikes. Lil' Free Spirit and me just can't be stopped!

Also that same morning I found this evil smile on my jar of peanut butter. I did not put it there. No one I know could have put it there. I ate from the jar and the face disappeared so I fear I may experience haunted bowel movements. Lil' Free Spirit might have to accompany me to the bathroom for strength.

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